Шели Мърфи
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Шели Мърфи е специалист в сферата на практикуването на осъзнатост вече повече от 20 години. Тя е преподавател в Педагогическия институт Онтарио в Университета в Торонто, където чете лекции по осъзнатост в образованието, грамотност, специални образователни нужди и ментално здраве. Дългогодишната ѝ практика като начален учител и богатият изследователски опит допринасят за задълбочения подход към темата за осъзнатост в образованието.

Шели Мърфи е носител на наградата Michele Chaban Spirit of Leadership за 2019 г., връчвана от A Mindful Society.

Тя е доктор по философия към Педагогическия факултет на Университета в Торонто.

Академичните проучвания на д-р Шели Мърфи са насочени към благосъстоянието на учителите и практикуване на осъзнатост в училищна среда.

Murphy, S., Donma, A., Kahut, S. A., Weisbaum, E., Chan, J., Plenert, E., & Tomlinson, D. (2022). Mindfulness Practices for Children and Adolescents Receiving Cancer Therapies. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing. 39. 40-48.  https://doi.org/10.1177/27527530211056514

MacKinnon, K.; Wilton, L.; Murphy, S.; Stein Dzaldov, B.; Wattar, D.; DesRochers, J. & Mann, A. (2022). Designing for Meaningful Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussion in Online Courses. Open Library | PressBooks. (Chapter 3: Cultivating Mental Health, Well-Being, and a Culture of Care in Online Teaching and Learning Environments)

Murphy, S. (2020). The Facts on Education: How can mindfulness support K-12 teaching and learning? EdCan Network; University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. https://www.edcan.ca/articles/mindfulness/

Tomlinson, D., Sung, L., Vettese, E., Murphy, S., & Plenert, E. (2020). Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Symptom Management in Children and Adolescents with Cancer: A Systematic Review. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1177/1043454220944126

Murphy, S. (2019). Fostering Mindfulness. Markham, ON: Pembroke.

Murphy, S. (2018). Preparing Teachers for the Classroom: Mindful Awareness Practice in Preservice Education Curriculum. In Byrnes, K., Dalton, J. & Dorman, B. (Eds.), Impacting Teaching and Learning: Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education (pp. 41-51). Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.

McGlynn-Stewart, M., Murphy, S., Pinto, I., Mogyorodi, E., and Nguyen, T. (2018). Technology supported early literacy learning in a multilingual community preschool. Education 3-13: International.

Ghafouri, F., & McGlynn-Stewart, M., and Murphy, S. (2018). Travelling Companions. In A. Kemp (Ed.), Dignity of the Calling: Educators Share the Beginnings of Their Journey. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Murphy, S. (2017). What I know now. In D. Booth & R. Coles (Eds.), What Is a Good Teacher? (p.43). Markham, ON: Pembroke.

Murphy, S. (2015). “How Do We Teach Them to Read If They Can’t Pay Attention?

Change in Literacy Teaching Practice through Collaborative Learning. Language and Literacy, 17 (1),83-105.

Murphy, S. (2015). The Selchie Story as Readers Theater. In D. Booth (Ed.), Exploding the Reading: Building a World of Responses from One Small Story, 50 Interactive Strategies for Increasing Comprehension (pp. 69-71). Markham, ON: Pembroke.

Murphy, S. (2014). Finding the right fit: inclusive strategies for students with characteristics of ADHD. The Journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). 69 (3), 66-71.

Murphy, S., McGlynn Stewart, M., Ghafouri, F. (2014). Constructing our identities through a writing support group: bridging from doctoral students to teacher educator researchers. Studying Teacher Education, 10 (3), 239-254.

Murphy, S. (2013). Literacy support for striving writers. In D. Booth (Ed.), I’ve Got Something to Say: How Student Voices Inform Our Teaching (pp. 30-31). Markham, ON: Pembroke.

Murphy, S. (2011). What I would do now: supporting diverse learners in reading and writing. In D. Booth (Ed.), Caught in the Middle: Reading and Writing in the Middle Years. Markham, ON: Pembroke.

Murphy, S. (2010). Equanimity in the Classroom. The Mindfulness Bell, 54, 21-22.

Murphy, S. (2009). Mindfulness in education: cultivating an attentive mind. The Holistic Educator, 19 (2), 1-9.